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Commissioner Nicole Wilson wanted to place WRONGFUL DEATH SUITS on Orange County Firefighters holding them liable for COVID deaths! When referring to firefighters she stated they
"claim to be public servants" 

In one of our community's most stressful and divisive moments, Wilson not only decided to play national politics but she attacked us firefighters for differing opinions about how to approach vaccines. We need a commissioner who will focus on local issues and will stand by us as firefighters, not make hard situations for us worse and threaten us.


We have ONE OF OUR OWN running for this seat, AUSTIN ARTHUR. He is a former firefighter paramedic, now is a successful businessman and community leader serving on many community boards. His father was a 30 year firefighter paramedic who died of job related cancer 1 year after retiring from the fire department. Austin and his family understand the needs of firefighters and our struggles.

Austin's Priorities for Firefighters

  • competitive pay raises & retention

  • create firefighters health care trust

  • retention of transfer article

  • fund new stations

  • fully staff the new training center

  • honor and fight for firefighters

Paid electioneering communication paid for by Citizens for Common Sense Solutions, 1103 Hays St, Tallahassee, FL 32301

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